Thursday, May 27, 2010

| 1 Molnija Marks
Yesterday we learned that Spirit Bound had debuted at #1 on the USA Today Bestseller List this week, and today we get the news via Richelle's twitter that it is also #1 on the New York Times Children's Series list!

That is just awesome news, and so well-deserved by Richelle!

News also just came in from Penguin Books Australia about Spirit Bound being Australia's #1 bestseller this week!

We at want to say a big Congrats to Richelle!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
Richelle's book tour for Spirit Bound is drawing to a close. Tonight is the last stop of the tour that's open to the public, and Richelle is signing at the Barnes & Noble, Carle Place, New York at 7 pm.

Heather Osborn and Casey McIntyre will also be livetweeting during the signing under the tag #sbli (spirit bound long island).

Be sure to follow @heatherosborn and @caseyrmcintyre to get the inside scoop on Richelle's appearance.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
Wonderful news from Richelle Mead on twitter!

Spirit Bound is #1 on the USA Today Bestseller list this week!!!

I haven't managed to find a list online yet, but I think you'll be able to see it on the USA Today website, here, as soon as the list is updated for the week through Sunday May 23.

How great is this! There are definitely a lot of Vampire Academy fans out there. And it feels like we're a constantly growing fan base. :-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

| 1 Molnija Marks
| 2 Molnija Marks
I will be the last one reading the book (in the world?) of us girls in the blog...
So let's make a project out of it!
I'm on a (man)hunt for the e-book, and can't seen to get a hold of it here in Sweden. HELP!

As soon as I get it, I'll read it together with you guys! How about that?

I don't count on any responses to this post.. I know you're all high on Spirit Bound-endorphines right now..


*Gone hunting again*

Monday, May 17, 2010

| 1 Molnija Marks
There is only minutes left on the countdown clock to Spirit Bound!

Since Spirit Bound is now out in some countries (and soon in most parts of the world) we thought we'd prepare for the fact that there will soon be a lot of people who've read the book, but also a lot that have not.

The settings are now such that all comments have to be approved by us. It will be this way for at least a week, maybe more, to make sure that nobody is spoiled, unintentionally or otherwise.

But of course everyone who's read the book will be eager to discuss it! Believe me! Very few people I know have read the book already, so I've waited almost a week to discuss it more thoroughly with others.

Because of that, we're going to do two things:

1. In this post you can discuss what you want about Spirit Bound! Spoilers are allowed in this post, and this post only. Spoilers in any other post will be deleted.

2. We've started a thread on our Facebook Page. There you can discuss it without the risk of spoiling the book for the people who haven't read it yet.

I know how much we all love these books, so I would guess that some of you will have finished the book in a matter of hours. :-)

So what did you think? Did it live up to your expectations? What did you think about everything that happened? Was it what you expected?
Tell us your thoughts!
| 1 Molnija Marks
Very exciting news from Penguin Paranormal this morning!!!
With only 5 or hours to until Spirit Bound launch date, we're super happy to tell you that a completely redesigned VA website will launch at 9am tomorrow and will include forums! A well known author might occasionally post on those forums - wonder who?
How great is this?? Can you imagine if Richelle would reply to a post that you made?
It makes me think of the early days in the Twilight fandom (not that I was part of it then), when Stephenie Meyer communicated more frequently, and directly, with her fans. I think it's sad that she doesn't/isn't able to do that anymore, and it really makes me appreciate the relationship that Richelle Mead maintains with us, the fans. It really is a luxury, and a wonderful thing. Of course I hope that the Vampire Academy fandom will grow, and that more people will discover the books, but at the same time I hope that Richelle will still be able to talk with us like she does now.
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It's here! The final Teaser Quote from Spirit Bound! Penguin Paranormal posted on their Facebook page, and Penguin Australia on their twitter.

If I've understood the release dates correctly, Australia and other countries in similar time zones will be able to buy the book before other parts of the world will, which means that in just a few hours those people will know what this quote means and who says it. But either way, I think it's safe to say that it's a heart-wrenching quote!
| 0 Molnija Marks
In this post we're going to be introducing a new feature on the blog that we're really excited about!
One of the things we had planned when we started this site, was to make a Vampire Academy podcast! Mainly, we really wanted to discuss the books, but we also thought that it could be a really fun thing since we haven't found anyone else doing a podcast about the Vampire Academy books. One thing we really wanted to do in our early podcasts, was to discuss what we thought might happen in Spirit Bound and Last Sacrifice.

Just as it always is, we had a few complications in making the podcast. For different reasons, Kinga wasn't able to join Stephanie and me (Marie) for this first podcast, so we haven't done a big presentation about us and the site in this one. And then, I was able to get hold of the book a week early, so we had to record the podcast sooner than we had planned. That means that it may be a bit less structured than it would have been otherwise (or not - who knows :-).
I should also mention that it was recorded about a week ago.

Most of the podcast is spent talking about what we think might happen in Spirit Bound, so naturally it contains spoilers for the prior books in the series. We also mention a bit about the first chapter of Spirit Bound, the one that Richelle has posted previously, so be aware of that if you haven't read that chapter. And we also talk about the excerpt from the book that Richelle herself read aloud during a Q&A.

Most of us are eagerly awaiting the release of Spirit Bound. Even though, I've already read the book, I'm so excited about the fact that everyone else will finally be able to read it, so I can talk about the book with everyone!! :-) It's really torture having to watch what I say or write all the time, and also not getting other people's opinion on the book.

If I understand correctly Spirit Bound will be released on Tuesday in most parts of the world, which means that, for example, parts of Australia will be able to read it almost a day before Europe, but hopefully some of you'll be able to listen to the podcast before you read the book. And maybe it can be a bit interesting to listen to even after you've read the book. :-)

We've named the podcast Frostbite. We thought that maybe it suited us, since we come from the north. :-) So we hope you'll be able to understand what we're saying. You can hear Stephanie a little bit better, since the podcast is recorded at her end.

And finally, to be able to listen to the podcast, you can subscribe through your iTunes software by choosing Advanced in the menu and then Subscribe to podcast. There you enter this URL:

You can also listen to it directly by clicking here, or download it by right-clicking and choosing Save target As...or something similar.
Hope you enjoy it! :-)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

| 3 Molnija Marks
With only 2 days to go I thought I'd do something usefull, so I am currently listening to the Blood Promise Audiobook, and this is the third time they switch narrators.
Why-oh-why for the love of all that's holy does Adrian sound like Minerva Mcgonagall (from Harry Potter)?

Did Richelle give any indications what so ever, that Adrian is an old british woman?

And Dimitris faint Russian accent, is a very strong faint accent.

Does anyone know if there'll be another audiobook version? Because I'm about to turn Stigoi on audible right now.
This is sad...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

| 3 Molnija Marks
This is the second video from my Vampire Academy fan-video-list on youtube.

This video is made my: o0tash0o

For you who havent read all the books, be aware of that there might be spoilers in the video!

Friday, May 14, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
On their Facebook Page, Penguin Paranormal are giving VA fans an opportunity to ask any question you want to Richelle Mead in anticipation of the upcoming release of Spirit Bound.

Okay Penguin Paranormal-ers (aside: we need to think of a shorter nickname for this page) our first exclusive: The Release Day Grill. Submit your burning VA questions for Richelle Mead, and we will post her answers first thing on release day - Tuesday 18 May.

So if you have any questions for Richelle: This is your chance!
Hmmm, what do I want to ask?
| 0 Molnija Marks alerted me to the fact that Richelle posted a message in her Google Group about important upcoming dates and events. She also posted it in her Yahoo Group.

Some of it we've already mentioned, but what can be of particular interest the upcoming week is this:

* I'll be touring for Spirit Bound 5/19-5/25 (Georgina and Eugenie fans are totally welcome!). Schedule is here:

* Autographed copies of Spirit Bound (and all my books) are available for order from University Bookstore in Seattle. May 11 is the last day to get May 18 shipping. Other important info about dates and shipping is here:

* Spirit Bound releases on May 18 in the US, Australia, UK, Canada, and New Zealand. More worldwide info here:

| 0 Molnija Marks
Through twitter we've found out about a couple of contests going on at the moment, where you can win Spirit Bound!

First off, Literary Life is having a really fun competition where you can win Spirit Bound. This contest is open to everyone in the world. :-)

I Heart Daily is also running a contest, where you can win Five Summer Books and Spirit Bound is one of them! This is open to US residents only.
| 1 Molnija Marks
PenguinBooks just tweeted:
The final Spirit Bound teaser trailer... or is it?

Update! Richelle really got a surprise!!
BONUS CLIP will be live on Monday 17 May!

Yeah! Stay back!!
But who is staying back? Who is the protector, and who is the protectee?
May 18th today... pretty please?

I'm so FREAKIN' excited!!! (SNL Kristen Wiig style)
| 1 Molnija Marks
Stuning Cover in Germany, don't you think?
Found it over at Richelles facebook!
| 8 Molnija Marks
As most of you know, I was lucky enough to be able to buy Spirit Bound a few days ago. I have now finished the book, and I can't wait for everyone else to read it as well, so I can hear what everyone else thinks! Of course the book is wonderful - it's Richelle Mead! - but I want to be able to discuss it with other people. :-)

Yesterday, Stephanie and I went to a lecture about vampires through the ages (they mentioned Strigoi :-). Of course I brought the book so Steph could hold it in her hands.

And here is a video that Stephanie made:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks 
I found a website when I was browsing Nazars, where all your wishes and desires can be heard.

It is a little cute site where you click in the box, fill out your name, your wish and select a nazar, and then place your wish by clicking the button. (It is in turkish, that's why I tell you all this stuff)
The site also has som interesting nazar info:

In Istanbul, Nazar Boncugu (literally "evil eye bead") are ubiquitous. As in many cultures, Turks believe the envy of others can cause harm, whether intentionally or involuntarily. In Turkey (as well as other countries) this "evil eye" - better but less colorfully described as the covetous eye - can bring you bad luck. Turks use Nazar Boncugu  to guard against evil associated with envious or covetous eyes. Nazars can be seen dangling from the bumpers of taxi cabs, pinned to the clothes of babies, built into the foundation of modern office buildings, guarding the doorways of kebap houses, and built into the code of websites. The charms are believed to reflect evil and protect the wearer from physical harm that can befall the object of "negative thinking."

This ancient belief in Nazar Boncugu stretches back before recorded history. It is mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible (Proverbs 28:22: "A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth And does not know that want will come upon him.") and may be descended from beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. Belief in the evil eye is also well-known in many countries in the Mediterranean area and in the Indian Sub-continent.

Visit the site by clicking here
| 1 Molnija Marks, from 
Entertainment Weekly

Richelle just tweeted and told about a book trailer för 'Spirit Bound'

UPDATE: Richelle adds:
More cool info regarding the book trailer. It's only on now but will later air during Vampire Diaries & before Eclipse! 

EW also interviewed Richelle, and you can marvel over that just after the break!

| 6 Molnija Marks
Although the hardcover of Spirit Bound is available in Sweden right now, I won't be buying it yet.

I'm a huge fan of audiobooks and find nothing more rewarding when you can spend hours upon hours of reading, and doing other things at the same time! I'm nothing if not a multitasker!
I also love book collections, so I'm saving my book-buying cravings for december when the Last Sacrifice is released, and hopefully a ton of collections to!

So...  right now I'm waiting for the e-book version, and can't wait!!!!

So many speculations in my head, and so many things can happen...

I don't want to spoil anyone, so after the break is a total book 3-4 spoiler

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
Richelle has a new blog post on her LiveJournal about pre-orders for Spirit Bound. She also posted this info on her twitter and Facebook page.

*** Today (May 11) is the last day to order AUTOGRAPHED copies that will ship on release day, May 18

*** Autographed copies of Spirit Bound that are ordered after today will ship on May 19

*** Any autographed orders placed after May 18 will not ship until the end of June because I'll be on tour and unable to sign for the store until I'm back

Make sure to read carefully. And also, if you want the book autographed, make sure you follow the instructions that Richelle has written down on her website.

I absolutely plan to buy the books signed when I can, but it's not an option when it comes to getting the books as soon as possible, since it will take a while for them to get here. (And as you know, I've already bought Spirit Bound, so it's kind of late anyway. :-)
| 1 Molnija Marks
We're starting to come to an and to the Teaser Quotes from Spirit Bound. Today it's one week until the official release for the book, and this is Teaser Quote number 6 out of 8.

Like the rest of the quotes, it was posted by Penguin Paranormal on their Facebook page.

So what do you think? This is a quote that scares me a bit. Who says it, and why?

Monday, May 10, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
All of us have been closely following the Teaser Quotes from Spirit Bound that Penguin have been giving us to make the wait for Spirit Bound easier (or maybe harder? I don't know :-).

Penguin Paranormal
announced this on their Facebook page yesterday:

What do you think? Are you loving the Teaser Quotes or are they just making the wait that much harder?

And it seems as though the news of my Spirit Bound book ;-) has gotten around. Thank you also to for posting about it as well!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

| 1 Molnija Marks
Okay, so I know that a lot of people are going to be upset, jealous and possibly angry, but I have a copy of Spirit Bound in my hands!!!

For some reason some of the book stores in Sweden decided to put it on the shelves as soon as the books came in, making them available as early as Friday May 7!

Here is a picture of my book, that I managed to buy yesterday:

I haven't read much of it yet. In a way, I want it to last, but I don't know how long I can drag it out for. :-)

I had a bit of a scare, actually. I bought it (along with a few books written by friends of Richelle Mead's) on my way to a Twilight meet-up, and somehow I managed to get confused because they had the trade paper version of Blood Promise, and the hardcover version of Spirit Bound. For some reason I got it in my head that they were the same book, but luckily one of my Twilight friends was actually reading Blood Promise while she was waiting for everyone else! Seeing the book made me realize I'd gotten the wrong book, so it was nothing to do but run back to the shop and buy the right book! Phew!

I know that there are others in Sweden, who've managed to get a hold of the book, but are there other countries in which the book is already available?

It would be interesting to see what the policy in different countries is about this, since the release date isn't until May 18! I'm thinking of asking the store, where I bought the book, about their policy. (I didn't want to ask them when I bought it, in case it made them realize their mistake and refuse to let me buy it. :-)
| 2 Molnija Marks
Since I read the Vampire Academy books I have been on youtube looking for for fan-videos of the VA and putting the ones i like in a special list so that I can re-watch them.

So now I decided to share some of them with you. Here is the first video I fell for by Forev3rsilenc3d:

For you who havent read all the books, be aware of that there might be spoilers in the video!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

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Finally, the fifth teaser quote of Spirit Bound is out! That means we have two more to go before the book is realeased on May 18th.

Who do you think it is? Do you have any ideas of what is going to happen in the book?

This time it was a bit harder to guess, because really it could be anyone! Im so excited for the book!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

| 7 Molnija Marks
As you know there are some particular pieces of jewelry that are mentioned in the Vampire Academy books, and that also plays a role in the story. For those of you that have been wanting to find a place to buy some Vampire Academy inspired jewelry there is a wonderful Etsy shop run by Psynde. The shop is called Cemetary Cat Designs and most of her jewelry designs are literary based.

I first learned about Psynde in a blog post on where they announced that she had released a jewelry collection inspired by the Vampire Academy Books. This was done in collaboration with Richelle Mead, who announced it on her twitter and who also named the pieces herself.

The first piece is Rose's Nazar necklace, the one her mother gives her. The second piece is her Chotki that is a present from Lissa.

This bracelet is representative of the fire element.

And the final bracelet I chose as an example of all the beautiful jewelry that Psynde designs is this, Adrian's Heart bracelet.

As I mentioned, Psynde has a lot of different designs in her Etsy shop, but If you want to check out the Vampire Academy inspired jewelry specifically, click here.

I was curious as to how the collaboration between Psynde and Richelle began, so I went on a search for more information and found this very interesting interview that Wicked Little Pixie did with her. In it we find out that her real name is Synde (pronounced like Cindy) and that she originally met Richelle through book signings with Team Seattle.
In that interview you can also see a picture of a beautiful necklace called Siberian Tears.

Psynde is also on twitter. You can find her here.

So what do you think of the Vampire Academy inspired jewelry? Isn't it beautiful?
Cemetery Cat Designs are having free shipping all through May, so this is a great opportunity if you're thinking of ordering one of her pieces. I'm not sure whether the free shipping applies worldwide or just the US.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
On Penguin Book's Official Book Website for Vampire Academy they've added another feature recently: A Vampire Academy Community on Ning! There you can create your own account and add different apps to it, connect with other fans and discuss the books.

They're also having a contest where they are giving away giving away 10 Vampire Academy prize packs in honor of the release for Spirit Bound! The prize packs include a Spirit Bound Poster signed by Richelle Mead, a Vampire Academy t-shirt and Vampire Academy tattoos!

All you have to do to have the chance to win, is to add a comment to their contest post. Click here to get to the post. Unfortunately, I don't know if the contest is open internationally.
| 0 Molnija Marks
Richelle finally gets it! Her world has taken a hold on us vampire fanatics!

Visit Adrians voicemail here.

Personally.. I'm thinking of starting my own group!
Something sensual, like: Dimitri Belikovs aftershave...
| 1 Molnija Marks
And so it's time again for a Spirit Bound Teaser Quote! This is the fourth of a total of seven teaser quotes coming out before the release of Spirit Bound on May 18.

So who do you think says it? Is it an alibi, or possibly a way to annoy someone who wouldn't appreciate the person staying overnight with someone else? :-)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Richelle had some problems getting home from the RT convention due to bad weather. We of course feel for her, but at least the ordeal resulted in some really funny tweets! :-)

She was on the same flight as Mark Henry and Kat Richardson. Mark Henry tweeted this picture hanging at the Char Bar the night before they left Columbus.

They don't look to be having all that fun. ;-) Maybe exhaustion from all the craziness at RT?

Monday, May 3, 2010

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Penguin Books Australia tweeted a picture of the actual Spirit Bound book a couple of days ago, hot off the presses.

Now Michelle Rowen has tweeted a picture of her early copy that she got through her agent from Richelle.

Are you jealous? I know I am. I can't wait to read it!
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Richelle has posted a great big long funny summary of what she's been up to at the Romantic Times Convention.

A lot of the convention is spent meeting other authors, but here is a picture from the book fair that's open to the public.

Richelle writes that they had to arrange a bigger table for her since she had more people show up for the signing than they expected. Isn't that great?

A lot of people were wearing their home made Vampire Academy t-shirts, this for example:

A particularly exciting feature of the con seemed to be the Vampire Ball. This is how Richelle describes it:
If you thought the faery ball was the only extravagant show going on during this con, you thought wrong. Every year, there's also a vampire ball, which is notable for its dinner theatre musical stage show, put on by author Heather Graham and family/friends. This year's show was a murder mystery that combined Alice in Wonderland, Twilight, True Blood, and Dexter. With Lady Gaga music.
How awesome does that sound? I would've loved to have been able to see that!

Remember Richelle's tweets about making fairy costumes? This is a picture from the beautiful Faery Court of the Faery Ball.

If you want to find out which one Richelle is, or see more pictures and read about RT, visit Richelle's Blog.

I couldn't help myself. I had to add this picture that Caitlin Kittredge tweeted of Richelle and pal at the con. :-)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
Penguin Paranormal have got the third Teaser Quote for Spirit Bound posted!

So who do you think says it? It sounds like something a Strigoi would say...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
Now we also have twitter - VAfrostbite!

Follow VAfrostbite on Twitter