Friday, September 24, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
I lost an entire day reading Shiloh Walker's The Missing (really good book!), and I feel I'm terribly behind. A lot of amazing news the last couple of days!

First, great news for everyone living in the Toronto area! Tomorrow, on September 25 at 2pm, Richelle Mead will be signing there! I realize we're a bit late with these news, but I hope that everyone who live in the area manage to get the information early enough.

The details for the signing:

Yonge and Eglinton Indigo
2300 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4

Author Carrie Jones will be signing with Richelle, and before them, Becca Fitzpatrick & Ally Carter are also going to be signing, at the same place, at 12 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet several wonderful authors at the same time!

Richelle has posted a list for what is normal signing procedure, on her website, and this is what it says:
* Events usually start with me reading briefly and then doing a Q&A with the audience.

* I will personalize one book with your name and then put just my signature in up to two more, unless noted.

*Unless it is noted below, you may bring any book (even if you already own it) from any of my series. If there's one you want and haven't purchased, try to buy it at the hosting store as thanks for bringing me by! It helps them bring me back in the future. Remember the signing limits above, though.

* I will take pictures with readers, if time permits.

* All events are free, unless noted

Richelle has said that she probably won't be back in Toronto for at least a year, so if you have the opportunity to go and meet her - do it!

If you're going to the signing, we'd love it if you send us pictures!

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