Saturday, December 4, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
First, I wanted to remind you that there is going to be a chat on Saturday EST. Vampire Book Club has been hosting a re-read of the Vampire Academy series for the last couple of months. Now that we are closing in on release day, they're planning to hold a chat were we can discuss our theories of what will happen in Last Sacrifice.

Details from Vampire Book Club:

What: Vampire Academy fan chat -think of it as an early Last Sacrifice release party
Date: Saturday, Dec. 4
Time: 3-5 p.m. EST
Where: Twitter. Follow @VampBookClub for moderator tweets. The chat will use hashtag #VBCLS

Read all about the chat here.

The chat will take place on twitter, but you can also use sites like TweetChat which shows the tweets in a more regular chat-like way.

Speaking of Twitter, there has been some talk of trying to trend #LastSacrifice when it's released, and I think it could be fun to try. :-) Lily from has started a Facebook event to raise awareness of our attempt to trend on Tuesday. Make sure you join that, and invite friends who you think might want to contribute.

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