Wednesday, October 13, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
I promised you, when I introduced our affiliates, that I would post about the really cool thing that Lily over at is planning. Well, here you go!

Lily got the great idea, that because the Vampire Academy series is now coming to a close, that we should show our appreciation for Richelle Mead and how much we love the books. (It also happens to be Richelle's birthday shortly before Last Sacrifice is released, so this could be kind of combined birthday present. :-)

What Lily has planned, is to organize a fan book with cards, fan art, poems etc from Richelle's readers and send them along to her in time for the release of Last Sacrifice.

For all the details about the fan book, and how to submit your contributions, visit
Lily has also created a Facebook page for the Richelle Mead Fan Book Project, where you can discuss all about it.

This sounds so fun! I'm going to have to think about what I'm doing, but I really love making cards, so that might be my contribution. :-)

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