Friday, October 29, 2010

| 0 Molnija Marks
Janet from Cadsawan Jewelry had another awesome announcement for us today. We have a lot of new designs to look forward to, but today's is a special one, because it's taken directly from the books. This is a picture of the Vampire Academy Chotki, given to Rose by Lissa, designed by Cadsawan Jewelry:

On Twitter Janet talked to Laura from about the challenges of making the Chotki:
it's hard to make something authentic, esp an object that so many people have imagined from the same description. I did a lot of research and tried to make the chotki as much Lissa's as Rose's
On her Facebook Page, Janet also wrote this comment about the Chotki:
I just want to make a note that the beads are all the same size they look graduated because it was shot at an angle to do a close up of the cross and that the beads are made out of seeds so they will vary in color and size because they are made out of organic material BUT from a 100% renewable source!!
The Chotki will be available for pre-sale this weekend.

So what do you think? Is it like you pictured it?

I really love the cross! I haven't read the books in a while, so I didn't remember the details about the Chotki, but Lily from posted the description, which made me realize that it's most likely the Dragomir crest we get to see an interpretation of. Exciting!

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